Dining Dollars are primarily used for retail food purchases on campus, but they can also be used to replace traditional meal plan swipes at campus dining halls.
Dining Dollars can be purchased in increments of $50, $200, $400, and $600. Those who deposit $400 or $600 Dining Dollars receive an additional 10% bonus Dining Dollars.
You may purchase Dining Dollar plans here: https://mealplan.gatech.edu/Dashboard until the purchase end date posted at https://dining.gatech.edu/keydates .
Did you know:
- Dining Dollars can be purchased with Financial Aid or a credit/debit card. Cash, checks, and money orders cannot be used to purchase Dining Dollars.
- Dining Dollars can be used at vending machines across campus.
- Dining Dollars can be used at any dining location on campus.
- Purchases made with Dining Dollars are tax-free, so you save even more!
- Dining Dollars roll over from the fall semester to the spring semester. It is important to note that unused bonus Dining Dollars will not be refunded after the Spring semester.