The safety of students and the entire campus community is a huge priority at Georgia Tech. The Institute strives to provide a safe, healthy, and secure environment for anyone learning, working, or visiting the Georgia Tech campus. Tech offers education and multiple resources to ensure that all members of the community are safe and secure at all times. Here are some tips to help you stay safe on campus:
- Don't leave your belongings in your vehicle! Vehicle theft is the most common crime reported in Midtown and other areas around campus.
- Lock the doors and windows in your residence. Don't prop open the door to your room or an exterior door.
- If you have to walk somewhere on your own, always take the safest route, not the fastest route. You should also stay in well-lit areas and always use sidewalks and crosswalks.
- Let your friends or roommates know where you are going and when you plan to be back. You can share your location with them or download a safety travel app like Noonlight.
- If you are feeling unsafe call GTPD at 404.894.2500 for a safety escort to avoid walking alone at night.
- For general questions, please send an email to or stop by the Department located at 965 Hemphill Avenue. In an emergency, you can contact GTPD quickly through the free LiveSafe app, or by calling 911 or GTPD at 404.894.2500