Apartment Checkout is an expedited process that allows residents to complete a pre-departure inspection before finals week and deposit their room key(s) by the check-out deadline at their Area Office.
While all residents living in an apartment are assigned the final move-out deadline date and time as their move-out time and will complete an apartment check-out, we ask that you login to My Housing and confirm or update your move-out time to your planned departure date and time.
- This check-out time is not the inspection appointment, but instead a means of tracking who remains in the building throughout closing.
- All Apartment Checkout envelopes must be returned during open office hours to the area office.
Residents can return their keys to Housing Area Offices during their business hours, which are adjusted for move-out.
Apartment Check-Out:
- At the completion of a successful pre-departure inspection, you will receive an Apartment Check-out envelope.
- Once your apartment is clean and all your belongings are moved out, complete both sides of the envelope, insert your key(s), and deliver it directly to the Area Office staff.
- If you are missing keys, indicate “missing” on the form.
- Any remaining questions? Connect with your RA, Hall Director, or visit housing.gatech.edu/move-out.
To be considered properly checked-out, you should not turn in your key until all of your personal belongings have been removed and your cleaning checklist is complete.
Prepare your room for the pre-departure/day-of-departure checkout inspection using the checklists for traditional halls and apartments.
Check-Out Envelope
- A - Name/GT ID#
- B - Building/room
- C - Key Code(s)
- D - Date/Time of Departure
- E - Signature and date
Make sure you complete each item listed on the back of the envelope.